- Description
- Prerequisites
- Material Provided
Provided the applicants comply with a specific set of requirements:
- ICAO Annex I compliant licenses, may be:
- accepted;
- validated; or
- converted;
- Class or Type Ratings issued on ICAO Annex I Non-EASA Licenses, may be accepted and inserted in an EASA Part-FCL License, once again, provided the applicants comply with a specific set of requirements.
- Full credit may be given as regards the requirements to undergo a training course prior to undertaking the theoretical knowledge examinations and the Skill Test to holders of an ATPL issued by or on behalf of a third country in accordance with ICAO Annex I;
The conditions for the acceptance of licences from third countries is laid down in Article 3 of Regulation (EU) 2020/723, amending the ‘Aircrew Regulation’ (Regulation (EU) 1178/2011) [refer to Section 4, Art.10 Conditions for Acceptance of class and type ratings, as amended].
Future career aspirations determine the level of examinations one must pass.
If intending to work for an airline, all Part-FCL ATPL examinations in all 14 subjects must be passed. A course of theoretical knowledge instruction (min. 650 hours – NO reduction for the ICAO ATPL theory course) must be completed at an EASA Approved Training Organisation (ATO) prior to siting for the exams.
Fewer examinations are required for a lower level pilot licence (CPL, CPL/IR, etc.). We are happy to discussed and explain to you which suite of exams best suits your intended career path.
Flight Training and ELP
Flying experience: All requirements as set in the ‘Aircrew Regulation’ [refer to Annex 1, Appendix 3, Section E, para. 12, as amended], must be met.
The required flight training and testing, will be determined by our Head of Training, as well as the amount of training credit that is allowed to be used against the CPL modular flying course.
ELP: An EASA acceptable English Language Proficiency (ELP) assessment must be passed.
Note: the HCAA does NOT recognise ELP endorsements on ICAO licences.
Instrument Rating: To convert an ME/IR, our Head of Training will determine any credit against an IR modular flying course. If it is intended to do the IR on a multi-engine aeroplane, course hours may be credited if you have more than 100 hours flying experience on the relevant class of aeroplane. (IR(A)/SP/ME > 100 hrs for the grant of MEP Class & IR(A)/SP/ME)
Multi-Crew Co-operation (MCC): An MCC course has to be completed if intending to add a multi-pilot aircraft type rating to a CPL, in the future.
This is a standalone modular course that can be completed anytime, provided a ME/IR on the Part-FCL CPL is held.
Note: It is NOT possible to recognise or provide credit for an ICAO MCC course.
The following information assumes an applicant has NOT held or does NOT hold, a pilot licence issued by an EASA Member State.
If an applicant holds or have held an EASA Member State Part-FCL licence, the relevant Competent Authority that has issued the licence, must be contacted for further guidance.
Direct swap when converting the ICAO ATPL
There is NO automatic conversion of an ICAO Annex I compliant ATPL to an EU Part-FCL ATPL. However, there are training credits which may be given to the holder of an equivalent Non-Part FCL licence, towards meeting the Part-FCL licence requirements.
Converting the ICAO ATPL to an EU Part-FCL ATPL
The conditions for the acceptance of licences from Third Countries are laid down in Article 3 of the ‘Aircrew Regulation’ – Regulation (EU) 1178/2011 (as amended by Regulation (EU) 2020/723) [refer to Section 4, Art.10 Conditions for Acceptance of class and type ratings].
How to convert the ICAO ATPL into an EU Part-FCL ATPL
Medical: A valid EASA Part-MED Class 1 Medical Certificate must be held.
Important Note: Under the EASA Part-FCL regulations, the location of the medical records dictates the State to which a licence issue application MUST be submitted, regardless of in which EU State(s) any or all subsequent requirements are completed.
If an applicant -specifically- wants an HCAA-issued EASA Part-FCL licence, and assuming that an EASA Part-MED (or JAR-FCL) medical certificate has NOT been previously issued by another EASA Member State, an initial Class 1 medical examination must be successfully completed at an EASA approved AeroMedical Centre (AeMC). There are two such AeMCs in Greece:
- the AeroMedical Centre of the Hellenic Air Force ‘KAI’, in Athens (tel:+30-210-7464720 – email: kai@haf.gr); and
- the AeroMedical Centre of Thessaloniki, in Thessaloniki (tel:+30-2310-488715 – email: papadc@auth.gr).
For additional information download this documents with contact details for the AeMCs, published by the HCAA.
Applicants currently holding an EASA Medical: If an applicant already holds an EASA Part-MED (or JAR-FCL) Medical Certificate, before applying to the HCAA, a coordination must take place with the relevant Competent Authority that has issued the certificate.
Applicants having previously held an EASA Medical:If an applicant has previously held an EU Part-MED (or JAR-FCL) medical certificate of any Class, issued by another EASA Member State, other than the HCAA, then the medical records are deemed to be held by that State, The applicant must, either:
- submit the application for an EASA Part-FCL license issue to that State in due course (and contact that State to verify licence conversion terms); or
- arrange for the transfer of the medical records from that State to Greece.
Important Note: The medical matters must be sorted out first!
Moreover, AEOLUS Aviation Academy would strongly recommend that any outstanding medical record/certificate issues are completed and sorted out before the commencement of any training, and particularly before parting with any substantial sum of money.
Flying Experience: Evidence must be provided of meeting the requirements for the issue of an ATPL in the relevant aircraft category as set out in Subpart F of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 and a valid type rating must be held for the relevant type on the ICAO ATPL(A).
Demonstration of Required Skill
An ATPL skill test must be passed on a relevant multi-pilot aeroplane type (e.g. A320, B787, ATR, etc.) with an authorised and designated EASA Part-FCL certified Examiner (TRE or SFE) in an EASA qualified FSTD. EASA maintains a Database of EASA FSTDs.
Note: the EASA FSTD tab shows simulators located outside of the EU; while the NAA FSTD tab shows simulators located within the EU.
English Language Proficiency (ELP)
The HCAA does NOT recognise ELP endorsements on ICAO licences as part of the conversion process towards an EASA Part-FCL licence. Consequently, an EASA acceptable English Language Proficiency (ELP) assessment must be passed.
Regulation (EU) 2020/723, article 9, sets out the conditions for conversion of licences, but basically the authority may convert a licence for the relevant aircraft category into a PPL, a BPL or an SPL, where the original licence is issued in compliance with the requirements of Annex I to the Chicago Convention by a third country and the licence is:
- an equivalent licence to the licences referred to above; or
- a CPL or an ATPL.
An ATO or DTO, as applicable, must be chosen to obtain further guidance and assistance. Nonetheless, the holder of the licence to be converted shall comply with the following minimum requirements for the relevant aircraft category:
- pass a written examination in Air Law and Human Performance;
- pass the PPL, skill test, as applicable;
- fulfil the requirements for the issue of the relevant class or type rating, in accordance with Subpart H;
- hold a medical certificate, as applicable;
- demonstrate language proficiency in accordance with FCL.055; and
- have completed at least 100 hours of flight time as a pilot.
As there are a lot of options, requirements, and conditions, AEOLUS Aviation Academy would be more than happy to be of assistance. Contact AEOLUS Aviation Academy providing a brief description of your request and we will get back to as soon as practically possible.
Pricing & Payment
The PPL Conversion course, costs 2.300€
For the cost of all other conversion courses, please contact the Academy.
What is included in this price?
- Ground and Flight training as described above
- HCAA fees for 1st attempt for the 2 theory exams
- Fees for 1st attempt of Aviation English Test Proficiency
- Skill Test Aircraft fees
- HCAA License Issuance fees
- Airport Fees
*The Flight Examiner’s fees are not included.
Note: In case you also have ratings on your ICAO license that you wish to endorse in your EASA license, AEOLUS Aviation Academy can provide this as well. Relevant schedule and cost will be provided upon request.